Enterprising Cities: Regulatory Climate Index 2014
May 2014
Cities are the engines of economic growth in the United States. Our cities thrive on innovation, expansion of small business enterprises, and entrepreneurship. The success and failures of cities, small businesses, and entrepreneurs will depend heavily on efficient regulations and rules …
The Economic Benefits of Intellectual Property in the Trans-Pacific Partnership
February 2014
IP-intensive industries generate a significant share of U.S. economic growth. This report quantifies the impact that IP-intensive manufacturing industries would have on the economic growth created by a prospective Trans-Pacific Partnership. Our analysis shows that …
The Economic Benefits of Global Navigation Satellite System and its Commercial and Non-Commercial Applications
December 2013
The application of GNSS technology in a number of market segments has delivered enormous benefits to both global and the U.S. economy. Like other innovative products and services, the GNSS industry directly creates jobs and economic activities to support the economic growth …
The Contribution of Private Sector Colleges and Universities to IP-Intensive Industries in the United States
November 2013
Private sector colleges and universities play a vital role in the labor market, global competitiveness, and ultimately growth of the U.S. economy. By providing applicable, market-based skills and education, private sector schools enable their graduates …
Strengthening the U.S. Retirement Savings System
September 2013
The retirement savings system in the U.S. has proven to be highly successful, with participation and retirement assets both rising steadily over time. The introduction of new products, the increase in contribution limits, the improvement in financial literacy, and the introduction of automatic enrollment and automatic escalation features have all contributed to this success …
The Economic Contributions of the Land Title Industry to the U.S. Economy
November 2012
This study estimates the economic contributions of the land title industry to the U.S. economy and examines the vital role title and escrow services play in supporting the American property system. The report then assesses the negative effects of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s …
A Critical Review of the Benefits and Costs of EPA Regulations on the U.S. Economy
November 2012
This report assesses the EPA’s assumptions and conclusions present in its cost-benefit analyses for six of its proposed regulations. It confirms the results of other independent assessments that the impact of these emerging regulations on the U.S. economy …
Intellectual Property Creates Jobs for America
May 2012
Intellectual property is a proven driver of U.S. economic growth. This report captures the total economic benefits of IP-intensive companies to 50 states and the District of Columbia. The state-by-state fact sheets show the economic impact on employment, exports, output, and wages impacts.
The Economic Benefits of Commercial GPS Use in the U.S. and the Costs of Potential Disruption
June 2011
The advent of the Global Positioning System and its subsequent commercialization has delivered enormous benefits to the U.S. economy. Productivity gains, input cost reductions, time savings, and environmental, health, and safety benefits are among …
China’s Quest for Energy
November 2011
China’s rapid industrial growth in the past three decades—averaging nearly 12% per year—has fueled a surging demand for energy. China’s demand for energy continues to grow and is expected to account for a quarter of global energy consumption by 2035.
Employment and Gross Output of IP Companies in the United States
January 2011
Innovation is a key determinant of the global competitiveness of American businesses. IP-intensive companies contribute substantially to U.S. output and employment and generate a large number of well-paying jobs. The innovation emanating from these companies is a key driver of sustained long-term economic growth and productivity.
The Impact of Innovation and the Role of IP Rights on U.S. Productivity, Competitiveness, Jobs, Wages and Exports
April 2010
Intellectual property rights and innovation are primary drivers of job creation and American economic growth. IP-intensive industries—such as life sciences, software, and aerospace—are succeeding globally, driving innovation, and investing heavily in research and development …